Daily Prompt – A Friend In Need

Finish this sentence: “My closest friend is…”

Photographers, artists, poets: show us FRIENDSHIP.


My closest friend is……

someone who knows me in and out,

someone who knows what I’m thinking even if I’m not talking,

someone who makes me smile when I’m frowning,

someone who’s not afraid to offend me and tells me when I’m wrong,

someone who appreciates  what I do and is happy for me when I succeed,

someone who’s there for me not only during the good times but also during the bad times,

someone whom I can trust and who really cares for me,

that someone is my hubby.

He’s not a perfect friend but I am not a perfect friend either.

Yet he is my closest friend and I am his.


Check out The Daily Post to see more entries.

Thank you for your visit. Have a beautiful day!

I’m Excited to See You Addy

Dear Addy,

Hi baby!

Your daddy once asked me why I am not writing letters to you like I did with your sister. He asked me “Are you not excited?” and I replied “of course I am excited!” Addy, you are a blessing and a gift from God to us. You are our second baby but it doesn’t mean we love you less. We love you as much as we love Abby. Always remember that.

Though I didn’t write you as often as I have written to your ate Abby when she was still in my tummy, I do talk to you all the time and so does your sister and daddy. We are all excited to see you, to hold you, to kiss you and to talk to you. And that will be soon.

You know your sister knows your name already and she says “love you sister” often. I’m sure you two will get along well and will have lots of fun time together. Daddy and I can’t wait to watch you two play and talk to each other.

We all love you baby. My family and your dad’s family are all praying for both of us. Please help mommy, okay? Come out when it’s time for you to be born and in a normal way, nicely and quickly.

So see you soon baby Addy! Stay healthy.



Weekly Image of Life : Happiness

For me, happiness is being with my family doing things together such as watching the sunrise at the beach. I don’t need to go anywhere else to be happy. We can even stay at home all day and I am still happy. I am happy when they are happy.

Abby, our little bundle of joy keeps us smiling and happy all day. Watching her grow and progress is an enjoyable and amazing experience. Taking care of her is a big responsibility but her mere presence in our lives gives us a sense of deep happiness.

Other meaning/sources of my happiness are the ff:

Happiness is hearing good news from my parents, siblings, in-laws and all other relatives whom I am close with. Knowing that they are all healthy makes me happy.

Happiness is doing the things that I like such as cooking, sewing, reading, writing, etc.

Happiness is having peace in my life and in my surroundings.

Happiness is helping others in my own ways.

Happiness is being content and thankful for all the blessings that I have.

But the greatest source of my happiness is God.

How about you, what makes you happy?

Island Traveler is the author and moderator of this challenge. Check out his blog – This Man’s Journey to see his entry and the other participants. Thanks IT for the inspiration!

Share Your World – Week 26

Happy 6 month anniversary to Cee and all the participants of SYW!! Thank you so much Cee for creating SYW and for all the thought-provoking, difficult, easy, fun and interesting questions that we all enjoy answering every week.

This week’s questions and my answers are:

  1. What made you smile today?  Today as usual, Abby made me smile. I can’t stop smiling while looking at her playing and making noises as if talking to her self or to her toys. Actually, just spending time with her makes me smile.
  2. Have any hidden talents? Not sure. Still hidden even from me I think 🙂
  3. Are you usually late, early, or right on time? I am usually early.
  4. What is the difference between being alive and truly living?  Being alive is enjoying every moment while truly living is living with joy and happiness no matter what and both applies with my life.

Want to joins us? Please visit Cee’s Life Photography Blog. Have a great day everyone!

Perhaps God has other plans…

Many are the plans in a man’s heart, but it is the Lord’s purpose that prevails. – Proverbs 19 : 21

Our neighbor had plans of bringing his family to Kuwait from India. Having stayed alone here all these years, he finally had plans of bringing his wife and son so that they can be together. He even had planned of enrolling his son in a school here and had almost arranged for his transfer certificate from his school in India. But at the last moment, after all his efforts, time, and money he had spent in preparing for his family’s arrival – a problem occurred and he had to cancel his plans.

Initially, he was sad and disappointed. When I asked him about it few days after, he said “…perhaps God has other plans.” It’s inspiring to hear that despite his disappointments, he still has a positive outlook about it and he believes that God has a better plan. Then I was reminded of the verse above. We may have many plans but ultimately it’s up to God.

8 Month Abby

Dear baby,

It was around 3 hours, 45 minutes and 8 months ago when I first saw you. You were gorgeous even then. The joy that I am feeling is still the same from the day I first held you in my arms and it will be the same forever.

Time flew so fast. It feels like it was only yesterday when you were still so tiny and fragile. Now look at you, growing strong day by day and is acting like an adult at times such as when you cover your eyes with your arms while sleeping (but I always move your arms on your side). You also grunt like an adult. You love to eat oranges and won’t stay quiet once you see me eating one. Sometimes, I am worried that it might be too acidic for you but you don’t vomit nor have diarrhea so your Dada says I must let you eat some and that I shouldn’t be a chicken-hearted because you’re a strong baby. He says you got that from him – being strong and all other good things as if my genes are not good. Of course, we end up arguing…. and laughing.

The other things that you can do lately are crawling and sitting on your own. You can stand for few minutes as long as you are holding on to something. You can’t walk yet unless you’re on the walker. While on walker, you would follow me around.It’s not only your feet that are wandering these days but your hands are exploring as well – grabbing everything and anything your tiny hands can reach.

Your smile is as sweet and lovely as before. Your eyes are smiling sweetly too. You are so  easy to please, you would smile when you see me smile but what I love the most is that you would make me smile when I look serious and is frowning. You would stare at me as if trying to figure out what I am thinking and then smile sweetly at me as if you are telling me “C’mon Mom, frown not for life is beautiful. See, the sun is shining brightly! There is hope, God is in control. Give all your worries to him!” Then I usually end up hugging you. Well, I am not certain that’s what you’re thinking but that’s how I interpret it.

Anyways, mommy is just here to say happy 8 month darling daughter!!!  I love you and so does Dada. Stay strong, happy, and healthy. God bless you.

Hugs and kisses,


Weekly Photo Challenge : Blue

I always love looking at the blue sky, it’s refreshing to my eyes. For me, the sky is God’s canvas where he paints different amazing art everyday.

“The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of His hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night they display knowledge.” – Psalm 19 : 1-2

Share Your World – Week 22 & 23

I miss answering the questions last week so today I decided to answer them and this week’s questions as well.

Week 22 :

  1. Which do you prefer sweet or salty?  Or both at the same time? I prefer sweet.
  2. Have you finished/started anything new or creative? I started a new blog at hubpages – joyfulmommy.hubpages.com
  3. How do you want to be remembered? A kind person who loves God and her family.
  4. Name one thing you wish you could change about yourself.  Being transparent. I wish I can hide my true feelings sometimes but I just can’t.

Week 23:

  1. You are comfortable doing nothing? For long stretches of time?  No. I feel bored when I am not doing anything. Being a mom and a wife, I always find something to do at home. I like being busy.
  2. If you could inherit a vacation home anywhere in the world in which you could spend two months a year, where would it be? Baguio City, the summer capital city of the Philippines or Italy.
    Burnham Park Lagoon, Baguio City, Philippines

    Burnham Park Lagoon, Baguio City, Philippines (Photo credit: Wikipedia)


    Baguio (Photo credit: ossiak)

  3. If you were instantly able to play one musical instrument perfectly that you never have played before, what would it be? Guitar.
  4. Would you rather be given $10,000 for your own use or $100,000 to give anonymously to strangers? Although I would love to have $10,000 and I’m pretty sure I won’t spend it all for myself, I would rather choose the $100,000 to give anonymously to strangers because this amount of money will help more people and besides I believe in good karma. I believe that God who will witness my good deed will bless me back abundantly not necessarily in monetary terms but in other aspects of my life say good health, or new job, etc.

Want to join us? Please visit Cee’s Life Photography Blog. Thank you Cee!

Share Your World – Week 21

Here are the questions and my answers for this week :

  1. If you were having difficulty on an important test and could safely cheat by looking at someone else’s paper, would you do so? No, I wouldn’t. If I do so, I know I will not be happy afterwards so I would rather just do my best and if I fail the test so be it.
  2. Since adolescence, in what three-year period do you feel you experienced the most personal growth and change? From 2010 – 2012, for a long time I was living alone then I got married. I was still adjusting to marriage life when I got pregnant. Huge changes and I can say I’ve grown a lot. I became more mature not just with age but with my outlook in life.
  3. If you could change one thing about your home, what would you like to  change? If I could then I would want a wider or bigger kitchen.
  4. If you were given a yacht today, what would you name it? Sea Butterfly.

Want to join us? Please visit Cee’s Life Photography Blog. Thanks Cee!


Share Your World – Week 20

Here are the questions for this week:

  1. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?
  2. What is the kindest thing anyone has done for you?
  3. What was your favorite childhood television program?
  4. Which cooking utensil (other than the usual pots and pans etc) would you miss the most?

Here are my answers :

  1. How old would you be if you didn’t know how old you are?
    Can I say, 10 years younger to my real age now? because that’s how I feel. I don’t feel my age but I do act my age.  Back home, I get to hear older people say ‘kalabaw lang ang tumatanda’ ( Only the carabao gets old) and that’s what I am trying to say as well. I feel young at heart.
  2. What is the kindest thing anyone has done for you? God blessed me with so many kind people in my life – my hubby, my family and friends have been all very kind to me and I am forever grateful to all of them. On the other hand, I have met kind strangers throughout my life as well. The one incident that I remember the most was when I renewed my medical insurance last year – I was pregnant then. There were around 100 people waiting in line before me (I thought I was early!) but when one of the staff there saw me sitting at the back, he told me to go in front and instructed his colleague to process my papers first. You can imagine my relief upon hearing that! 
  3. What was your favorite childhood television program? I grew up with my grandparents and they don’t have a TV but I used to watch at my cousin’s house nearby. I can’t remember though which one we used to watch.
  4. Which cooking utensil (other than the usual pots and pans etc) would you miss the most? Pressure cooker. Though I hate the noise coming from it, I am thankful that this thing had been invented. It makes my life easier – saves my time and effort spent in the kitchen.

Want to participate? Please visit Cee’s Life Photography Blog. Thanks Cee!