Cee’s Which Way Challenge – No.16

Thank God it’s Friday again! Hubby is off which means happy time for the family especially for Abby. She follows her daddy like a shadow. She is such a daddy’s girl.

Though the weather is cold, Abby and I (we don’t know yet if Addy loves going out or not) are still excited and happy to go out. Whenever we go out to shop for grocery or something else, we always pass by at the beach because Abby loves to see the lovely blue water. Almost every day, she says “Daddy, I want to see the water!” Hence, it is a must to pass by at the beach. And yes, she simply say water.

Anyways, here are the ‘which way’ photos that I’ve taken at the seaside park today. Hope you will like them.



alkoutcarpark.jpgCheck out Cee’s blog to see more which way photos.

Have a happy day!

Daily Prompt – Cherish

Who is the most important person in your life? Describe that person in as great a detail as you can muster and most importantly, tell us why you cherish this person.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us CHERISH.


Who's the most important person in my life?
I cherish not one but three
My two kids and my hubby
I can't say my kids are more important than my hubby
Or vice versa
All three must be present
For me to have a complete happiness
Why do I cherish them?
They are God's gifts to me
So I cherish them
More than words can ever say
I don't need reasons
Nor do they need to do anything
For me to love them
They are my family
So no matter what happens
I will treasure them
More than gold or money
I love these three
Forever undoubtedly.

Check out The Daily Post to see more entries.

Share Your World 2013 – Week 39


You are given $5,000 and the chance to exchange it for one of two envelopes. One envelope contains $50,000 and one contains $500. Do you make the trade? Why or why not?  Yes, I will make the trade. The $5,000 is not mine anyway so even if I happen to choose the envelope that contains the $500, I’m still a winner. Besides, I think that I will regret later on if I don’t trade.

Do you believe in the afterlife?  Reincarnation?  I believe that there is life after death and that heaven and hell exists.

If someone made a movie of your life would it be a drama, a comedy, a romantic-comedy, action film, or science fiction? Maybe romantic – comedy. 

If you had to spend one weekend alone in a single public building or institution, which building would you choose? I will choose the library, the big one. I’m sure the weekend will be over without my notice if I stay there.

Visit Cee’s blog if you want to join Share Your World.

Thank you for your visit. Have a great day!

Daily Prompt – Fright Night

Do you like being scared by books, films, and surprises? Describe the sensation of being scared, and why you love it — or don’t.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us FRIGHTENING.

horror film opening shot

horror film opening shot (Photo credit: glsƒngrs)

Some people love scary movies or books while some people don’t. I belong to the second category. I want to watch films or read books because I want to be entertained or enlightened but not to be scared. I don’t like being scared.

I did watch a horror film in the past and I didn’t enjoy it. So I told myself, I will never watch any horror film again. Watching a horror movie creeps me out but it doesn’t mean I am weak or wimpy. Right? Horror film or book is simply not my thing.

Check out The Daily Post to see more entries.

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Dear Addy #3

Dear Addy,

Hello baby! You know at this moment while I’m writing this letter to you, you are sleeping nicely while you’re sister is playing next to me.

I wanted to write you at least once a month but I was too busy taking care of you and your sister (and our home too) that’s why I keep putting it off but today I told myself that I must write to you.

Days are flying by so fast and you are growing so fast too but I notice everything.

I noticed that your voice is becoming louder every day.

I noticed that you started communicating before you turn two months old (which was last month), you would smile, stick your tongue out, and try to talk whenever I am talking to you. I wonder what you were trying to say?

I noticed that 3 days ago, you started to lift your head while I was applying oil and massaging your back.

I noticed that you are well-behaved and not ‘crysome’. You usually soothe yourself by sucking your fingers and only cry when you want to be changed or when you are hungry.

And I am aware that in two days, you will be 3 months old. So I want to greet you now, advance happy 3 months baby! Mommy is so proud of you. I love you very much. Stay healthy and strong.

I have to stop now because your sister won’t let me continue. Grow up soon so you two can play together. I hope to write you again next month. Bye for now.

Love and kisses,


Cee’s Black & White Challenge – Alone


While watching the sunrise at the beach some time ago, I saw this black & white cat walking alone on the rocks and looked straight at me as if posing for the camera.


Then when I went to watch the sunrise again at another day, I saw the same cat lying nicely at the park’s pavement as if posing for my camera again.

Check out Cee’s blog to see her beautiful photos and the other participants.

Cee’s Black & White Challenge – Your Favorite Things to Photograph

My favorite thing to photograph is nature .

trees at the park

trees at the park


Check out Cee’s blog to see more black and white photos.

Thank you for your visit. Have a nice day!

Daily Prompt – A Friend In Need

Finish this sentence: “My closest friend is…”

Photographers, artists, poets: show us FRIENDSHIP.


My closest friend is……

someone who knows me in and out,

someone who knows what I’m thinking even if I’m not talking,

someone who makes me smile when I’m frowning,

someone who’s not afraid to offend me and tells me when I’m wrong,

someone who appreciates  what I do and is happy for me when I succeed,

someone who’s there for me not only during the good times but also during the bad times,

someone whom I can trust and who really cares for me,

that someone is my hubby.

He’s not a perfect friend but I am not a perfect friend either.

Yet he is my closest friend and I am his.


Check out The Daily Post to see more entries.

Thank you for your visit. Have a beautiful day!

Share Your World – 2013 Week 22

Here are the questions and my answers for this week’s SYW:

1. What was the last URL that you bookmarked? http://www.thechristiandollar.com/how-to-make-a-budget/  

2. For relaxation, would you rather meditate, swim, walk, listen to music, write, read, yoga, qigong, or other?  I usually lie down and read something while playing instrumental or mellow music (that is of course if Abby is sleeping). If Abby is awake, then I just usually listen to music or play with her. Her laughs and giggles are contagious and it relaxes me.

3. You’re given $500,000 dollars, what do you spend it on? I will give the 10 percent to church then save half of the remaining in the bank for my kids’ education and invest the other half into something.

4. Did you like swinging as a child? Do you still get excited when you see a swing?  Yes, and yes.


Check out Cee’s blog to see her answers and the other participants.

Thank you for your visit. Have a great day!

Daily Prompt : Tables Turned

Are you as comfortable in front of a camera as behind one? Being written about, as well as writing?

Photographers, artists, poets: show us DISCOMFORT.

English: Olympus E-420 DSLR, with the 25 mm 2....

English: Olympus E-420 DSLR, with the 25 mm 2.8 “pancake” lens which was released together with the camera. (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

Yes, I am comfortable in front of a camera as behind one although I am not that photogenic.  When I visit a nice place, I want someone to take a photo of me while the beauty of that place can be seen behind me so that someday I can show my kids what I’ve seen and where I’ve been.

I like to be in front of the camera but I love to be behind the camera because then I get to choose what, which, and whom to capture. If the results are not good then I have no one to blame but myself. I’m not a pro but I just love to take photos of my family and capture those unforgettable, funny and great moments  of their lives. Of course I also love to take photos of other people, nice places, nature, and whatever I find interesting.


Writing (Photo credit: Wikipedia)

I am not so sure if I want to be written about. I guess it’s okay if the writer is someone close to me either my  husband or my kids because they are the ones who really know me.

I love writing not because I am good at it but because I can express myself better in writing. I am not a very vocal person (though my hubby thinks otherwise) and not at all confrontational. I used to write and vent out my anger and frustration in my diary but then as I matured, I realized I don’t want to remember those ugly moments. So one day, I tore my diary into pieces and decided to write only positive words. I still get angry and frustrated at times but I don’t write about it anymore and if I do write about it, I make sure not to save it. Life is too short to be angry and frustrated besides it’s not good for my heart so I just let it go.

Check out The Daily Post to see more entries.

Thank you for your visit. Have a nice day!