Daily Prompt – Cherish

Who is the most important person in your life? Describe that person in as great a detail as you can muster and most importantly, tell us why you cherish this person.

Photographers, artists, poets: show us CHERISH.


Who's the most important person in my life?
I cherish not one but three
My two kids and my hubby
I can't say my kids are more important than my hubby
Or vice versa
All three must be present
For me to have a complete happiness
Why do I cherish them?
They are God's gifts to me
So I cherish them
More than words can ever say
I don't need reasons
Nor do they need to do anything
For me to love them
They are my family
So no matter what happens
I will treasure them
More than gold or money
I love these three
Forever undoubtedly.

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