Daily Prompt – The Road Less Traveled

Pinpoint a moment in your past where you had to make a big
decision. Write about that other alternate life that could have

Photographers, artists, poets: show us OTHER.


Marriage (Photo credit: Lel4nd)

To Marry or Not To Marry

When my boyfriend who’s now my hubby finally asked me to marry him, I was happy but at the same time anxious if I am making the right decision. I love him dearly but I was anxious because we are not of the same nationality, therefore we have lots of differences – in culture, language, food, etc. He told me those are not big issues, that if we really love each other then we’ll both adjust and that our love will bind us together for life.

I decided to marry him and I am glad I did because I couldn’t imagine my life now if I didn’t. Maybe I married someone else or maybe I’m not yet married till now.Β  I don’t know what else could have happened. All I know is that since I married him, I became not only a happy wife but a joyful mommy as well. Yes, we do have some misunderstanding sometimes but we know that at the end of the day, our love is strong enough for us to stick with each other no matter what.

Check out the related articles and The Daily Post to see more entries.

Have a great day!

8 thoughts on “Daily Prompt – The Road Less Traveled

  1. Pingback: Not a free human | A couple of dollars

  2. Pingback: meeting a chatmate | just another outlet

  3. What a lovely tale. No marriage is completely stress free, it involves two people after all. It certainly sounds like you made the right choice. My husband & I are also from different cultures. I had to move to a new country & adopt a new language when we married, but I wouldn’t change that for the world πŸ™‚


Thank you!