Jake’s Sunday Post – Sta. Claus

Ho.ho.ho Merry Christmas!

Ho.ho.ho Merry Christmas!

SantaClaus.jpgHappy Christmas and a blessed new year 2014 to everyone!!!

Visit Jake’s blog to see more Sta.Claus photos.

Reminiscing New Year’s Eve in the Philippines

English: Fireworks over Copenhagen the night b...

Image via Wikipedia

It’s New Year’s Eve!!!

I miss Philippines, I miss my family back home. I miss my parents and siblings. I miss the happenings during this time.

Back home, we usually don’t sleep on New Year’s Eve – we stay awake and wait till the clock strikes midnight. Me and my siblings would watch movies to ward off sleepiness. If ever we fell asleep, our nanay (mother) would wake us up and then we all joined the 10 seconds of countdown amidst all the noises from the neighborhood. Yeah, all sorts of noises could be heard – not just from firecrackers and torotot (trumpet) but also from car horns, cans, old tires burning, and anything that produces sound. Firecrackers were dangerous, so we were not allowed to lit them.

Afterwards, we all gathered at the dining table to eat (we called this “Media Noche”) and that’s what I miss the most. Not the food but the gathering of our whole family, talking about whatever, the presence of each other as we welcomed the new year.

Well, those were the days and gone were those days. It’s been a while since our whole family gathered as 3 of us are now living abroad. I can only hope and pray that all members of my family are okay and happy wherever they are.

Now that I have a family of my own. Me and hubby should start our own family tradition but since Abby is still very young, we can skip “media noche” this time. We’ll see next year. By that time, she will be talking and I will certainly enjoy conversing with her and so does her dada.

Happy New Year Everyone! May God bless us all...