Lessons I’ve Learned

As we go through life’s journey, we learn some lessons from the experiences of people around us and some from our own.

Below are the lessons I’ve learned through the years :

* Know when to keep your mouth shut – when I was around 11-12 years old, there are 2 families that stayed in my grandpa’s house to work during harvest season. The wives (let’s name them Mrs. A & Mrs. B) usually stays at home and silently hated each other. One day, Mrs. A chats with me and said bad things about Mrs.B. Sometime later, Mrs.B came to me and asked what Mrs. A told me. I was taught not to lie and not thinking what will happen next, I simply told her everything. And so later that day, the 2 wives had a big fight. From then on, I’ve told myself to be careful with my tongue and know when to zip my mouth.

* Saying thank you – when somebody says thank you to me, I feel good. Hence, I make it a habit to say thank you to anyone who help me in anyway.

* Don’t decide when angry – thanks to my hubby, he always remind me about this. It is always best to calm down first and think things through before deciding something.

* Be kind and good to anyone. Do not expect anything back. – I believe in good ‘karma’. Some people may not reciprocate your kindness but God is watching. He will use other people to show kindness to you too.

*Cheer yourself up – do not wait for someone to cheer you up. Sometimes nobody seems to care not that they really don’t care but maybe they are busy with their own lives or that they need cheering up themselves.

* Be fair and make your own opinion about someone or something. – do not believe everything you hear. Most of the time a friend or a family member influences us in our opinion about someone before we even get to know him/her.

* Saying I love you to your family – they say action speaks louder than words (which I believe is true) but still, it’s best to express our feelings to our family. If we say I love you to a friend, why not say to our parents,siblings,husband/wife and children?

* God will never abandon me –  God promised in Hebrews 13 : 5 “Never will I leave you; Never will I forsake you”. Sometimes I feel like He is distant but I know He is there. He is just a prayer away.

****For now, I will end the list here but I will update later on…

Thanks for reading. How about you? What are the lessons you’ve learned from your experiences in life? I would like to hear.

20 thoughts on “Lessons I’ve Learned

  1. you’ve said everything that’s on my mind. very good lessons to be learnt and often forgotten in the heat of the moment. thanks for the kind reminder in this post 😀


  2. A gem cannot be polished without friction, nor a man perfected without trials! This is a Chinese Proverb, and its so true! We learn the most from our mistakes, and it seems you have learned a lot of wonderful lessons. And you’re right God is a prayer away, and he’ll never abandon us all we need is to truly believe that even in the middle of hardships something better is about to happen.


    • Thanks for stopping by and for your comment. And yes what you said in your post is true, “there are still enormous things to learn as long as we are inhaling and exhaling” 🙂


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