Sunday Post : Nature

These photos were taken at Pilikula Nature Reserve, Mangalore, India last year. Pilikula means “Tiger’s Water Hole” in local Tulu language. “You may ask where are the tigers?” Please see below.

There he is! Resting under the shade of trees..

Here’s another one snoozing comfortably..

There are lions as well..

And elephants too..

There are also different breed of snakes, crocodiles, birds, etc. but I posted a lot already so perhaps I’ll post a part two. We’ll see.

Thank you for your visit. Have a wonderful day!

51 thoughts on “Sunday Post : Nature

  1. Pingback: Nature’s Blood Sucker | Simply Charming

  2. Pingback: Sunday Post – Water | imexcited

  3. Pingback: Sunday Post : Blossom | imexcited

  4. Beautiful! Thanks for sharing 🙂

    The turtles stole my heart but the resting tiger stole my part. What I wouldn’t give to be all stretched out and asleep right now! lol 🙂

    Much to do so off I go!



  5. Pingback: Sunday Post: Nature | Inspired Vision

  6. Pingback: Nature’s Blood Sucker « Simply Charming

  7. Pingback: Sunday Post: What’s Your Nature? « Positive Parental Participation

  8. Tigers and lions and bears…oh my! And turtles too!
    Wonderful photography…the turtles brought back memories of a snapping turtle my kids once brought home…and brought back where they found it pretty quickly. 🙂


Thank you!