Genuine Blogger and Sunshine Award

What a wonderful gifts from fellow bloggers! Andrea, the author of Writing Life in Words & Photos nominated me for the Genuine Blogger Award yesterday. Thank you so much Andrea for this beautiful award! I truly appreciate it. Please check out her blog to get to know her more. Her photos and words/poems are beautiful.

Not sure about the rules for this award but I assume I can pass it on to fellow bloggers whom I believed deserves it.

My nominees are :

Check out their blogs and I’m sure you will enjoy it as much as I do.

Moving on to the other surprise I received this morning, the Sunshine Award was given to me by Sunshine at Simply Charming. Guess who delivered the message? Sunshine’s charming assistant named Chuckles.  You must read Chuckles post about this award and you’ll surely love it. Thank you Chuckles and Sunshine for this lovely award. Do visit Sunshine’s blog and see how charming her blog is.

The Rules:

1) Include the award Logo(s) in a post or in your blog.
2) Answer 10 question about your self.
3) Nominate 10 to 12 other fabulous bloggers.
4) Link your nominees to the post and comment on their blog, letting them know about the award.
5) Share the love and link the person who nominated you.

The Questions:

  1. What is your Favorite color? pink & blue
  2. What is your favorite animal?  dog & cat
  3. What is your favorite non-alcoholic drink?  pomegranate juice
  4. Do you prefer Facebook or Twitter?  Facebook
  5. What’s your passion?  I think sewing…though I am not that good yet with the machine but I can stitch by hand very well.
  6. What’s your Favourite pattern? Hmmnn…
  7. Do you prefer giving or getting presents?  Both
  8. What’s your favourite number? Five
  9. Favourite day of the week? Friday
  10. Favorite flower? Pink  Rose

The Nominees :

Check out their blogs and see how fabulous they are.

Thanks again to Andrea and Sunshine for these awards.

Happy blogging!

30 thoughts on “Genuine Blogger and Sunshine Award

  1. Pingback: Very Inspiring Blogger Award | imexcited

  2. Pingback: Sunshine Award!! « Writing Life in Words & Photos

  3. Pingback: An Easter Bunny’s Treat And Thanksgiving – allaboutlemon

  4. Pingback: Generous Awards | imexcited

  5. Pingback: Good Day Sunshine! (Sunshine Award) « Obscured Dreamer

  6. Pingback: Commenter Award | imexcited

  7. Pingback: The Sunshine Award « shanjeniah

  8. Congratulations to you, and what a pretty award!
    How sweet of you to think of me! Thank you so much! I’m both humbled (and embarassed to admit) that I’ve got a couple of other awards waiting to be posted, I’ll try to find time to do them this next week. This one really pleases me, thank you.I’ll let you know when it’s posted. (((hugs)))


Thank you!